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    Taiwan Free Trade Zone (FTZ)

    • Prior to setting up a Taiwan Free Trade Zone Company, it is essential to understand the difference between each free trade zone. This allows you to make better business decisions and choose the optimum free trade zone that meets your company’s long term business goals.Taiwan Free Trade Zone (FTZ) is part of the government’s economic diversification and independence initiatives to attract foreign investors and business owners into the jurisdiction. Taiwan Free Trade Zones are designed to stimulate and catalyse the growth of companies incorporated in the respective zones.
    • Companies within the Taiwan Free Trade Zone (FTZ) enjoy a plethora of free trade zone benefits including lucrative tax and regulation.
    • Taiwan Free Trade Zone serves as a platform for the nation to facilitate free flow of goods in a well-established and conducive international trade zone and environment. With the help of Taiwan Free Trade Zone, Taiwan’s economy underwent a progressive transformation with the arrival of foreign investment, intellectual properties and the latest technology into the nation, expanding the capabilities of industrial markets for goods and services.
    • Along with the increment of business opportunities in Taiwan comes higher rate of employment, which facilitates uptake in tax revenue.
    • Currently, there are 7 Taiwan Free Trade Zones located in the Port of Kaohsiung, Port of Taichung, Taoyuan International Airport, Port of Taipei, Port of Anping, Port of Keelung and lastly the Port of Suao.

    taiwan free trade zone

    • Taiwan Free Trade Zone (FTZ) takes pride in the connectivity of the nation’s sea and air transport routes with the rest of the world due to the nation’s pivotal and favourable geographic location. They provide businesses with a platform for optimized circulation and flexible operation of goods, which can be used to deliver goods to global destinations efficiently with lower cost induced.
    • Depending on your intended business activity and long term business goals, Tetra Consultants will advise which Taiwan Free Trade Zone is most suitable for your business. Our recommendation will include the timeline, free trade zone requirements, minimum paid-up capital and regulatory license obligations (if any).

    Port of Kaohsiung

    • The Port of Kaohsiung has a development area measuring up to 520 hectares. Due to the convenient location of the port, it provides foreign investors with access to direct marine transport routes between China and Taiwan which facilitates bilateral trade flow between the countries.
    • Furthermore, the Port of Kaohsiung is situated near the freeways, Kaohsiung Export Processing Zone, industrial parks and Kaohsiung International Airport. With an optimal and strategic location, business owners are granted unprecedented access to reliable air and sea transportation services.
    • Due to the surrounding industrial clusters around the Port of Kaohsiung, the port is ideal for business industries such as storage, metal products, machinery and Multi-Country Cargo Consolidation (MCC).

    Port of Taichung

    • The Port of Taichung has a development area measuring up to 662 hectares. It is the second largest port in Taiwan. Due to its close physical proximity with industrial clusters in bicycles, precision machinery, green energy and hardware industries, the port is perfect for business sectors such as consumer electronic products, value-added manufacturing, computer and automotive parts assembly.
    • The Port of Taichung is situated near export processing zones and the Central Taiwan Science Park. Additionally, convenient transport networks facilitate the circulation of exports and flexible operations of business activities.

    Taoyuan International Airport Free Trade Zone

    • Taoyuan International Airport Free Trade Zone has a development area of 34 hectares located at the northern edge of the airport. As a result of the FTZ’s strategic location, business owners and foreign investors can leverage on air transportation services to facilitate the exchange of exports and imports.
    • The Taoyuan International Airport Free Trade Zone is ideal for businesses in the electronic industry. With the help of industrial clusters in the electronic manufacturing and service sectors, businesses can benefit from the nation’s efficient manufacturing capabilities and generate value-added products.

    Port of Taipei Free Trade Zone

    • The Port of Taipei Free Trade Zone has a development area measuring up to 131 hectares. The port is optimally located near Taipei downtown, providing businesses with an abundance of resources. Furthermore, the Port of Taipei is ideally located near Taoyuan International Airport. Business owners can benefit from unprecedented access to both air and sea transportation services.
    • This Taiwan Free Trade Zone is preferential for business sectors such as agricultural products shipping and distribution, healthcare equipment and logistics. There are multiple industrial and scientific parks situated within close proximity to the port. Examples include Tucheng Industrial Park, Hsinchu Science Park and Linkou Industrial Park.

    Port of Anping

    • The Port of Anping Free Trade Zone has a development area measuring up to 72 hectares. The port is located near Tainan Airport, allowing business owners to leverage multiple air transportation routes and services. Furthermore, the port is connected to freeways and expressways which makes it very accessible to this Taiwan Free Trade Zone.
    • This Taiwan Free Trade Zone is suitable for logistics, warehousing and international logistics business industries. Similar to other Taiwan Free Trade Zones, there are several industrial clusters located near the port. These industrial clusters revolve around business sectors such as agriculture and fishing, biotechnology, electronic component manufacturing and international healthcare.

    Port of Keelung Free Trade Zone

    • The Port of Keelung Free Trade Zone has a development area of 71 hectares and it is beneficial for industries such as assembly, value-added manufacturing and distribution of consumer products and Multi-Country Cargo Consolidation (MCC).
    • Direct access and connections to Freeways and Highways provides business owners with the ease of transportation of goods and services. Furthermore, the close proximity with the center of consumption, politics and economy in Northern Taiwan grants businesses with a wide variety of available resources.

    Port of Suao

    • The Port of Suao Free Trade Zone has a development area measuring up to 57 hectares. The Free Trade Zone is home to international logistics and Green Energy sectors. Currently, the Free Trade Zone is working towards building a strong foundation and environment for Green Energy Industries.
    • The Port of Suao is situated in the metropolitan area of Northern Taiwan and directly connects to several Freeways and Expressways. Business owners gain easy and convenient access to the Port of Suao.

    Contact us to find out more about which Taiwan Free Trade Zone is most suitable for your business. Our team of experts will revert within the next 24 hours.

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