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    How to incorporate company in Netherlands

    Tetra Consultants recommends that you go through the Netherlands company incorporation guidance before deciding to incorporate a business in the Netherlands to fully understand the stages required for a successful company incorporation procedure in Netherlands. Requirements and regulations are stated clearly to help you fully understand the process of incorporating a company in the Netherlands.

    In summary, you can incorporate a company in Netherlands and open a Netherlands corporate bank account within 7 weeks, depending on the type of entity established and upon submission of the required due diligence documents. Our team of professionals will advise and ensure an accurate and seamless process.

    Simply put, we can break down our Netherlands company incorporation engagement into four different phases:

    1. Planning and strategy
    2. Incorporation
    3. Corporate bank account opening
    4. Staying compliant

    Planning and Strategy

    • Tetra Consultants will assist you in the Netherlands company incorporation procedure by adhering to the following steps below.
    • Tetra Consultants will provide recommendations on the suitable type of entity catering to your business objectives and activities. Prior to the start of Netherlands company incorporation, Tetra Consultants will advise on the optimum paid-up share capital, regulatory requirements, and whether there is a need for licenses for the intended business activity.
    • A Netherlands Company is required to have a local registered address and a registered agent to carry on the representation wherever necessary. Tetra Consultants will provide you with a local registered agent and a local address.
    • Additionally, a typical Netherlands company is mandatorily required to have a director who is a resident of the country. Tetra Consultants will assist with the fulfillment of this requirement by providing our nominee director services. Our legal team will draft a nominee director agreement to be signed by all parties, ensuring this nominee is passive and does not have any decision-making power in the company. At the same time, our team will provide the due diligence documents of our nominee, including his passport and proof of address.
    • In most cases, the directors, shareholders, and Ultimate Beneficial Owners (UBOs) of the Netherlands company are required to provide basic KYC documents such as certified true passport copies, proof of address, and bank reference letter, and CV for our internal due diligence checks.
    • Tetra Consultants reserves our clients’ preferred company name through the Netherlands trade register which is the Chamber of Commerce KVK.


    • According to the business activity and corporate structure, Tetra Consultants will proceed to draft and notarize the company’s Memorandum and Articles of Association.
    • Once the above is completed, Tetra Consultants will submit a quality application to the Chamber of Commerce KVK to register company in Netherlands. During this process, there is a very low probability that the government authorities will revert to asking for the provision of additional documents. We expect to complete the process of registration of your Dutch company in 3 weeks.
    • Upon successful Netherlands company incorporation, Tetra Consultants will courier the Certificate of Incorporation, Memorandum & Articles of Association, Register of Directors, and Register of Shareholders to our clients’ preferred addresses.

    Corporate Bank account opening

    • Tetra Consultants will proceed to open a corporate bank account for your newly incorporated Netherlands company depending on your business goals and objectives. You can leverage on our extensive banking network and expect to receive your account numbers within 4 weeks.
    • Tetra Consultants will contact multiple Internationally reputable and local Netherlands banks and present your business to the respective relationship manager and compliance team.
    • Generally, the banks do not mandate directors, shareholders, and bank signatories to attend a face-to-face interview. In case it is mandatorily required, Tetra Consultants will work with the banks to find other ways to engage, such as video conference calls.
    • Tetra Consultants will then send the internet banking token and access codes to the address you specify.
    • After the company is registered, it takes around 4 weeks on average to obtain a corporate bank account. Tetra Consultants estimates that the engagement will be completed in 7 weeks.

    Staying compliant

    • Following the setup of your new Netherlands company, Tetra Consultants will continue to provide you with the necessary accounting and tax services to ensure that you can continue to legally conduct business while staying compliant with regulatory obligations.
    • We will assist with the registration of your business with the Belastingdienst (Dutch tax office) and obtaining the tax identification number with respect to Income tax as well as VAT so that you can claim VAT deductions on the investments you make to start the business.
    • Our team of dedicated consultants will timely prepare your firm’s financial statements, and corporate tax returns and manage bookkeeping on your behalf.
    • We will prepare the required filings in advance to ensure we meet all stipulated deadlines.

    Contact us to find out more about how to incorporate a company in Netherlands. Our team of experts will revert within the next 24 hours.

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