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    • 如果您正在考虑在迪拜申请加密货币牌照,特加商务咨询建议您通读本指南,以了解为顺利启动您的加密货币业务和在迪拜获得加密货币牌照所需采取的监管要求和必要步骤。
    • 特加商务咨询专门为有兴趣在迪拜成立一家获得加密货币交易所或加密货币钱包牌照的公司的企业家提供专业建议。我们将为您提供从设立离岸实体到准备文件以及与在迪拜获得加密货币牌照相关的许多其他方面的所有方面的建议。
    • 由于迪拜已成为世界上最好的加密货币平台市场之一。加密货币公司的急剧崛起彻底改变了世界各地的业务,同时鼓励着更多的投资者和企业家在迪拜 建立加密货币业务。
    • 截至2020年底,全球加密货币投资和市值达到2650亿美元,在线比特币商业交易额达到60亿美元,使迪拜成为世界加密货币商业中心的主要枢纽。
    • 特加商务咨询的专业团队为新企业家和初创企业提供服务,以便他们可以轻松地在迪拜和其他酋长国开展业务。除了提供牌照设施外,我们还提供其他服务,确保您的加密货币业务的日常运营无可挑剔。我们的一个真正目的是满足客户的需求并实现客户的满意。

    我们的服务包 为客户提供全套迪拜加密货币牌照申请, 包括:

    • 在迪拜和阿联酋设立您的公司
    • 为您的公司获得商业贸易牌照。
    • 为您在迪拜获得加密货币牌照。
    • 企业银行开户
    • 就您业务的任何法律问题向您提供建议。
    • 协助您进行税务和会计等业务的日常运营。


    • 加密货币是一种去中心化的数字货币,不由任何中央机构或政府发行。它没有任何物理形态,也不存在于任何物理空间中。加密货币可以被开采或交易,就像股票和股票在股票市场上交易一样。加密货币的价值会随着各种交易所的供需而波动。

    Benefits of Obtaining a Cryptocurrency License in Dubai 

    Regulatory clarity and trust 

    • Acquiring the license for doing a cryptocurrency business in Dubai creates legal certainty and greatly boosts trust with customers, investors, and business partners. This is further supported by the Dubai cryptocurrency regulations from the government, who are keen on creating a safe environment within which cryptocurrencies are operated. There is a great need for a business to be very clear on regulations in order to successfully sustain operations in such a dynamic industry. 

    Access to growing markets 

    • Dubai is strategically positioning itself as a global base for cryptocurrency to attract businesses and investors from around the world. With a crypto trade license Dubai, companies can tap into this vibrant market, facilitating participation in various crypto-related activities, including trading, exchange, and consultancy services. The thriving UAE cryptocurrency market presents numerous opportunities for growth and innovation. 


    • The UAE, especially Dubai, is known for an extremely competitive tax environment where most firms do not have to pay corporate or personal income taxes. This is highly attractive in the fiscal landscape for most businesses wanting to cash in on the highest returns and profit margins especially in the case of a DMCC crypto license Dubai. Such tax arrangements can significantly enhance the bottom lines of cryptocurrency companies. 

    Enhanced credibility 

    • Licensed operation may mean compliance with local regulations, which will significantly enhance the reputation of a business. A legal cryptocurrency trading Dubai framework is crucial for attracting investors and customers who regard security and legitimacy in financial transactions. This can be the basis of differentiation in a very competitive market. 

    Global recognition 

    • The Dubai cryptocurrency license holds much worth internationally, giving companies that operate within its jurisdiction much more credibility and access to global markets and partners, making a Dubai crypto exchange setup quite attractive for adventurous companies. 

     Access to traditional financial services 

    • The licensed crypto firms have a relatively smooth relationship with banks and other financial organizations, which is a very stringently essential requirement for successful operations and the development of business within traditional finance segments, and they can be really helpful for companies interested in integrating their products with mainstream financial services, which further enables the setting up a cryptocurrency business in Dubai. 

    Diverse business opportunities 

    • A business license for a cryptocurrency company would enable the business to execute a wide range of activities. They could be just traders but may also have asset management, custody services, software development, or even advisory services on cryptocurrency. Therefore, the potential space for diversification within such an environment is enormous. 


    • The government of Dubai has thus put very crypto-friendly policies in place with regards to innovation and support for the blockchain technology sector. The supporting environment fosters new ideas and business models in the cryptocurrency sector, where entrepreneurs will feel at ease navigating their way around the landscape to lead them to success in their ventures. 

    Why do you need a Cryptocurrency license in Dubai?

    • 要在迪拜创办您的加密货币公司,需要获得加密货币贸易牌照。加密货币牌照被视为“商业牌照”类别。这种“商业牌照”对于涉及迪拜贸易过程的所有商业程序都很重要。
    • 迪拜的加密货币业务和贸易与比特币和所有其他加密货币的交易有关。该加密货币牌照授予您在迪拜进行所有其他主要加密货币交易的牌照。

    Who Should Apply for a Cryptocurrency License in Dubai? 

    • To embrace the challenges and opportunities that open access to the cryptocurrencies market in Dubai entails, individuals and businesses who have definite objectives and meet certain criteria should apply for a 迪拜加密牌照. Here is a closer look at the key groups that should seek this essential licensing: 

    Cryptocurrency exchanges 

    • Businesses intending to operate as cryptocurrency exchanges or trading platforms must obtain a license to legally facilitate the buying, selling, and trading of digital assets. In fact, it encompasses not only central exchanges but also decentralized exchanges. With a 迪拜加密牌照, such platforms would respect the rules and regulations of doing business, bringing in much more trust among users of the platforms. 

    Crypto wallet providers 

    • Crypto companies that issue or provide digital wallets to store cryptocurrencies are required to have a license. A UAE crypto license ensures one adheres to local regulations. These allow such companies to provide a secure way for clients to hold their digital assets, thus upping user confidence levels in the security of their investments. Such companies require a UAE crypto license to function efficiently. 

    Cryptocurrency brokers 

    • Business acting as intermediary service providers in cryptocurrency transactions, and which include making the trade between the buyer and seller, must register to receive a license that allows them to operate lawfully. Operating under this regulatory framework and obtaining a crypto trading license Dubai often gives firms an edge by providing them with legitimacy in their operations and placing them as reliable partners in the marketplace. 

    Initial coin offering (ICO) operators 

    • Businesses seeking to issue an ICO must be licensed so that it adheres to regulations on the raising of funds through cryptocurrencies. Its licensing is essential as it maintains trust and removes doubts among investors and further remains compliant with financial laws that protect both the business and its supporters during the fundraising process. 

    Crypto payment service providers 

    • Other kinds of companies, which offer solutions with the use of cryptocurrencies, are required to get licenses to operate. With this license, they become licensed and hence allowed to have dealings that are mostly associated with digital currencies. As a result, there is an increased possibility for consumers and merchants as well. The validity in the marketplace will be obtained by getting Dubai crypto company registration for these providers. 

    Blockchain technology firms 

    • Such business enterprises which focus on the development of blockchain technologies or providing related services will most likely file for a license. Such an act not only increases the level of trust in the business, but also ensures compliance with the local laws thus becoming more friendly to attract clients and investors who respect the existing regulations. 

    Crypto asset management firms 

    • Dubai authorities require a license for firms involved in investments in cryptocurrencies or advice on crypto assets. A license is fundamental in providing a sense of trust to clients to make investments while ensuring that the assets are handled according to established regulations. 

    Startups and entrepreneurs 

    • A license enhances the footings of new ventures interested in innovation in the area of cryptocurrency. Their businesses are legitimized, and several doors open to fantastic partnerships and funding opportunities, making them ready for success in the competitive realm of cryptocurrencies in Dubai. By gaining a 迪拜加密牌照, they are better placed to cope with the stress of opening a business in a dynamic environment. 




    • 迪拜多种商品中心 (DMCC) 自由区管理局批准了 迪拜加密牌照 ,允许您购买和交易加密商品。然而,该许可证受到各种监管限制。例如,从事加密交换业务、加密经纪、金融、银行、存储服务或支付处理的公司没有资格获得此许可证。加密货币交易许可证只能在自由区当局的同意下获得。同样,DMCC 已授予自营交易许可证。您的加密货币公司不得参与任何其他活动,并且最低股本为 50,000 迪拉姆才能获得许可证。


    • 要获得此牌照,您的公司运营应连接到数据库管理解决方案和基于分类帐的技术(如区块链)的分发。根据该牌照,这些公司无权交易或设立加密货币交易所、提供任何金融相关服务或处理任何付款。要获得此牌照,您还必须获得迪拜多种商品中心(DMCC)的牌照和至少500,000迪拉姆的资本份额。



    • 使用加密货币牌照,您可以脱颖而出。尽管比特币在阿联酋很受欢迎,但目前只有少数公司使用比特币作为支付手段。
    • 与阿联酋的其他商业贸易牌照相比,它是相当实惠的。由于阿联酋加密货币牌照,您可以获得更多回报。
    • 加密货币区块链技术非常安全。使用迪拜的比特币牌照,您可以保持匿名。
    • 加密货币在世界范围内得到广泛认可。加密货币交易快速且没有停机时间。

    Why should you consider getting a Cryptocurrency License in Dubai?

    • 阿联酋的目标是成为商业和行业的先驱,并且对加密货币行业也有看法。随着对加密货币投资的好奇心不断增加,该行业的贸易和商业也在阿联酋迪拜发生。以下是阿联酋加密货币领域的一些主要亮点:
    • 阿联酋公布了其“2021年区块链战略”,旨在帮助国际公司在该领域开展贸易和业务。其中,区块链技术预计将用于50%的政府交易。
    • 阿布扎比全球市场(ADGM)的金融监管机构金融服务监管局(FSRA)是阿联酋第一个对加密货币交易提供完整指示和规则的机构。
    • 目前,阿联酋有400多家加密货币企业。随着阿联酋加大力度扩大数字经济,这一数字预计到2022年底将升至1000人。
    • 迪拜和阿布扎比自由区管理加密货币的框架和法律鼓励加密货币企业家建立交易所,同时制定道德交易和消费者保护规范。
    • DMCC加密中心于2021年5月开业,正在迪拜大力推广密码学和区块链技术。该中心拥有大约100家与加密相关的公司,另有900家已提交牌照申请。
    • 阿联酋实施了有利的政策,以加强数字资产交易和增加兴趣。证券和商品管理局于21年9月与迪拜世界贸易中心(DWTC)当局达成协议,以实现加密资产的交易。
    • 迪拜还举办了第一届加密货币博览会,该地区的加密资产飙升。


    Where to get the Cryptocurrency License in Dubai?



    • 迪拜多种商品中心(DMCC)自由区是在阿联酋处理加密货币的一种选择。DMCC加密牌照确保您业务的合法性。RegalAssets是第一家获得此牌照的公司,该公司为客户提供加密货币的冷储。
    • 迪拜多商品中心欢迎加密货币的出现。他们向迪拜企业家和公司所有者提供加密货币牌照。来自世界各地的人们接近迪拜多种商品中心以获得他们的阿联酋加密货币牌照。迪拜的迪拜多商品中心加密货币牌照允许您进行商业运营,例如提供加密货币相关服务、存储加密货币、交易、管理加密货币、开发加密货币相关软件等。凭借迪拜的加密货币牌照,您还可以提供咨询服务和咨询。
    • 迪拜多商品中心创建了一个新的加密中心,并打算成为迪拜所有与区块链相关的活动的中心。迪拜已经被认为是世界上技术最先进的城市,加密和区块链的加入进一步巩固了它的地位。迪拜多种商品中心的加密货币牌照是这一成功的基础。


    • 本地公司100%的外资所有权–无需寻找本地合作伙伴;
    • 公司收入和资本转移零限制;
    • 未来50年经营0%企业所得税的优惠税制;
    • 0%的进口和转口税税率;
    • 零货币限制;
    • 不存在对外国员工参与公司运营的限制。


    • 迪拜机场自由区管理局(简称 DAFZA)是迪拜另一个欢迎加密货币的自由区。他们与证券商品管理局 (SCA) 达成了一项协议,以协助寻求开展与加密货币相关的商业活动的企业家和企业。凭借迪拜的加密货币牌照,他们促进了该地区有关加密货币的业务。
    • 从迪拜机场自由区管理局获得加密货币牌照的公司可以使用其加密货币资产开展业务。他们可能为来自世界各地访问迪拜的国际投资者提供服务。由于完善的监管框架,迪拜机场自由区管理局内的公司可以轻松开展业务。他们的目标是增加比特币、以太坊、狗狗币等加密货币的采用和扩展。

    阿布扎比全球市场 (ADGM):

    • 阿布扎比全球市场 (ADGM) 自由区允许受金融服务监管局 (FSRA) 监管的加密货币资产。它是管理阿联酋所有与加密货币相关的资产的监管机构。
    • 它目前是阿联酋唯一拥有广泛的加密货币牌照监管框架的法律机构。金融服务监管局 (FSRA) 与阿布扎比全球市场 (ADGM) 联合发布了有关如何在阿联酋使用加密货币牌照以改善全国企业的指南。

    What are the regulatory and documentary requirements for obtaining a Cryptocurrency License in Dubai?

    • DMCC 公司是一家有限责任公司,其股份可由单个或多个股东持有。股东可以是个人或公司实体。
    • 成立迪拜多商品中心 (DMCC) 公司所需的最低股本为 50,000 迪拉姆/-(每位股东 10,000 迪拉姆),特定贸易或服务牌照和一般贸易牌照 1,000,000 迪拉姆。每股价值为 1,000 迪拉姆或其倍数。向 DMCC 公司提供的资金可用于公司的运营。如果是本地或外国公司的分支机构,则不需要初始股本。特殊规则和法规适用于 DMCC 公司。
    • DMCC 公司需要至少任命一名董事、一名经理、一名秘书和一名谈判代表。董事、经理、秘书和谈判代表可以是同一个人。
    • 经理将被要求持有由自由区管理局赞助的公司的居留签证。为验证签证,经理将被要求至少每六个月进入该国一次。如果经理已经持有阿联酋签证,则必须提交当前赞助商的 NOC。


    • 必须提交由迪拜经济发展部 (DED) 颁发的商业牌照
    • 必须提交所有商业成员的有效护照复印件
    • 必须记录并提交过去 12 个月期间的资本资源和运营费用文件
    • 加密资产应与阿联酋的金融自由区部门保持一致
    • 所有信息都必须保存在加密钱包中
    • 必须提交清晰的活动记录。
    • 证券和商品管理局 (SCA) 的 NOC。
    • 详细的业务
    • 提供业务中所有合伙人的护照复印件。


    • 需要考虑的是,只有在当局考虑了一些因素后,你才会收到 迪拜加密牌照 。其中一些是可追溯性、市值、价格波动等等。
    • 此外,您的实体遵守严格的 KYC(尽职调查)规范至关重要。
    • 此外,您的企业必须有足够的资金才能成功运营至少六个月。另一方面,必须满足政府当局关于披露增值税、反洗钱等的一些要求。
    • 并且还必须证明遵守该国的反洗钱和反恐融资法。
    • 最后,还有一项要求,与防范网络安全和保护客户的财务信息有关。

    What is the procedure for getting a Cryptocurrency License in Dubai?

    要在迪拜经营加密货币业务,您需要获得贸易牌照。但是在我们进入那个阶段之前,有一点管理员需要处理。特加商务咨询总结了在迪拜申请加密货币牌照时要采取的一些最普遍的步骤:步骤:1 注册法人实体并选择商号的先决条件第 2 步:选择自由区管辖区并评估牌照要求第 3 步:开立企业银行账户第 4 步:文件准备第 5 步:满足经济实质要求第 6 步:提交牌照申请

    步骤:1 注册法人实体并选择商号的先决条件

    • 要在迪拜申请加密货币牌照,您需要在该地区拥有注册的法人实体。特加商务咨询擅长协助客户在迪拜大陆和自由区注册公司。
    • 在继续进行实体注册之前,特加商务咨询的专家团队将首先评估您的业务需求和目标,并在此基础上为您在迪拜的加密货币业务推荐最适合的业务实体类型。
    • 特加商务咨询团队将帮助您满足预先注册要求,为您在迪拜的加密货币业务选择一个商品名称。首先,我们将帮助您选择您的公司名称。在做出此决定时,我们将确保您必须遵守一套严格的命名约定。
    • 特加商务咨询还将检查您选择的名称是否可用,然后再向迪拜多种商品中心 (DMCC) 或迪拜经济发展部 (DED) 等各自的自由区机构注册。一旦确认,我们将在相应的机构进行注册。
    • 一旦完成上述步骤,特加商务咨询将对公司的管理层和股东进行尽职调查。

    第 2 步:选择自由区管辖区并评估牌照要求

    • 在迪拜建立加密货币业务。您可以选择在大陆或自由区设立。特加商务咨询的专业团队将帮助您决定是在自由区还是在大陆设立。如果您选择自由区,您将受益于零货币限制以及资本和利润汇回。但是,您需要与当地代理合作才能直接与阿联酋市场进行交易。
    • 迪拜多种商品中心 (DMCC) 是建立加密货币业务的首选和推荐的自由区。由于该区域为新企业家提供的好处值得考虑。
    • 一旦我们的客户确认了司法管辖区的选择,我们将继续在迪拜获得加密货币牌照的过程。

    第 3 步:开立企业银行账户

    • 同时,特加商务咨询将在声誉良好的银行为贵司 开立企业银行账户 。
    • 获得牌照所需的最低实收资本将存入该银行账户。

    第 4 步:文件准备

    • 特加商务咨询的法律专家将开始准备加密货币牌照申请所需的文件。这些文件将包括当地法规要求的业务计划、财务报表、AML/CFT 政策和保险政策。
    • 由于加密货币交易的监管方式与迪拜的其他金融交易相同,因此您将需要遵守有关反洗钱和假冒金融恐怖主义的广泛规定。特加商务咨询将非常谨慎地准备文件并相应地进行实体的组建。
    • 创建文件以供审查后,特加商务咨询将为您提供原型。然后,我们将通过电子邮件将它们发送给您进行电子签名,然后再继续您的牌照申请。

    第 5 步:满足经济实质要求

    • 在迪拜自由区开展加密货币业务时,没有满足您实体经济实质的要求,但在企业银行开户的情况下,可能需要遵守严格的要求。
    • 如果银行要求您具备经济实力,例如当地认可的专业人士或董事,特加商务咨询将协助您与他们会面。我们的团队将协助招聘当地合格的员工加入团队,或者我们将扩展我们的代理董事服务以满足银行开户的要求。
    • 特加商务咨询的人力资源团队将对包括合规官在内的关键员工进行候选人入围和初步面试。之后,您可以缩小潜在客户的最终名单,以选择最适合加入团队的人。一旦候选人被选中,特加商务咨询将协助准备具有商定条款的雇佣合同。

    第 6 步:提交牌照申请

    • 做出这些决定后, 迪拜加密牌照 如果您希望在酋长国的其他地方或您选择的自由区的管理机构设立公司,特加商务咨询将直接向自由区当局或同等市政当局申请您的加密货币牌照。
    • 一切顺利,您的公司将获得迪拜加密货币牌照,并将被要求在规定的时间范围内开始业务运营以维持牌照。


    • 阿联酋对加密货币项目没有所得税,这使得这个国家对企业家非常有吸引力。
    • 如果您使用加密货币进行交易或将其作为薪水,迪拜的加密货币税等于零。然而,自 2018 年初以来,阿联酋的增值税税率非常低,仅为 5%。
    • 特加商务咨询的税务和特许会计师团队将为您提供一对一咨询,以确定您的项目是否免税。因此,虽然可能有部分例外,但加密货币的征税通常不在阿联酋进行。

    Eligibility Criteria for a Dubai Cryptocurrency License 

    There are various eligibility criteria for acquiring Dubai cryptocurrency license which are as follows but are not limited to: 

    • Applicants must establish a valid legal entity in Dubai, such as a company or branch office. 
    • Depending on the type of cryptocurrency license, there may be minimum capital requirements. 
    • Key personnel and business owners must pass background checks to ensure they have no criminal records. This is crucial for maintaining the integrity of the cryptocurrency market. 
    • Applicants must demonstrate compliance with Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations. Having robust policies in place is essential for obtaining a license. 
    • The application must specify the intended business activities related to cryptocurrencies, such as trading, exchange services, or providing wallet solutions. 
    • Applicants must choose an appropriate jurisdiction within Dubai free zones, such as the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC) or the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), each offering specific licensing options. 

    Comparison of Dubai’s Cryptocurrency License with other major jurisdictions 

    Criteria 迪拜 马耳他 新加坡 瑞士 
    Regulatory framework Evolving environment with multiple free zones (e.g., DMCC, DIFC); overseen by VARA. Comprehensive regulations via the Malta Financial Services Authority (MFSA); clear framework for ICOs and exchanges. Regulated by the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) under the Payment Services Act; supports innovation and consumer protection. Well-defined framework by FINMA focusing on AML and investor protection; favorable tax regime. 
    资本要求 Typically starts around AED 50,000 (US$13,600); some zones may not have strict minimums. Minimum capital requirement is €100,000 ($110,000), fully paid before applying. No specific minimum capital under the Payment Services Act, Applicant must show sufficient financial resources. Varies by business model. Generally, start at CHF 100,000 ($110,000) for standard formation. 
    Taxation  Competitive environment with no personal income tax and low corporate taxes in free zones. Corporate tax rate of 35%, but effective rates can be significantly reduced through refunds. Corporate tax rate of 17%, with incentives and exemptions for startups and innovative firms. Varies by canton; generally favorable, with some offering very low effective rates for companies. 
    Business activities allowed. Wide range of activities including trading, asset management, consultancy, and ICO operations. Activities include exchanges, wallet services, ICOs, and other blockchain-related services. Permits digital payment token services, cryptocurrency exchanges, and wallet services. Supports trading platforms, asset management, ICOs, and blockchain technology development. 


    • 在聘用之前,特加商务咨询将向您发送一份项目计划,其中包含公司注册、文件准备和牌照申请等规定的时间表。这是为了确保各方都清楚即将到来的项目。

    How much does it cost to obtain a Cryptocurrency License in Dubai?

    • The engagement fee with Tetra Consultants varies according to your needs. We also offer all-round services from incorporation right to getting the Dubai crypto license. General costs for this include the company registration fee, license fee, and other costs that may arise due to state fees on an application and annual supervision fees. 
    • We would explain in detail to you the total amount of the engagement fee prior to the commencement of the registration process so that there is clear insight into the charges that are applicable. We pride ourselves at Tetra Consultants on transparent information about what our fees and services entail, and this way, you know exactly what to expect at any point in time. All these terms and conditions would be clear in our letter of appointment that we have with you so that everything commences seamlessly and based upon effective information from the starting point. 


    • 特加商务咨询协助加密货币公司满足其监管和牌照需求,并在实体形成和运营的各个方面为金融公司提供持续的支持和帮助。
    • 特加商务咨询 是一家专业从事 加密货币牌照 准备的国际专业咨询公司。我们可以协助您从您选择的司法管辖区获得特定的牌照或授权,以便在外汇行业合法经营加密货币业务。我们在所有引入了监管此类加密货币业务的先进立法的主要司法管辖区提供牌照服务。
    • 此外,特加商务咨询还可以根据您的长期业务目标,协助您获得其他 离岸金融牌照 申请以实现您的长期业务目标。


    现在联系我们 了解如何成功获得 迪拜加密牌照的更多信息,我们的专家团队将在接下来的 24 小时内回复。



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