- 与特加商务咨询合作,您可以顺利、无忧地获得开曼群岛银行牌照。我们的服务包括从公司成立到最终获得 离岸银行牌照所需的一切。我们的团队将确保您在申请过程中获得顺畅的协助,使您能够将精力集中在业务的其他重要方面。
- The Cayman Islands is arguably one of the first nations that come to mind when you think about the offshore banking business. Banking in 的 Cayman Islands has got such a good reputation as it is regarded as the fifth-largest financial hub and is a global financial leader. Three-quarters of the world’s hedge funds are held by the nation, together with deposits worth about $7 billion.
- 然而,合规规定变得越来越严格,对于对开曼银行规范和政策不熟悉的投资者来说,获得牌照的程序变得复杂且耗时。但有一点可以肯定,开曼群岛不再是不诚实的人以避税天堂为名隐藏资金的地方。
- 资产保护
- 政治和经济稳定
- 免税经营
- 自由进行任何货币的交易、交换或交易
- 在没有过多监管干预的情况下进行业务交易
- 在银行账户和其他银行业务中享有高度隐私
- 在基于国际标准的合理、有效和平衡的监管框架下进行离岸银行业务,涉及贷款限额和投资限制等方面。
- 开曼群岛的银行法规为银行提供了最大限度发挥资产潜力、在全球金融市场中获得竞争优势的机会。

- 开曼群岛的《银行与信托公司法》(以下简称“银行法”)是监管和发放银行牌照的主要法律框架,并控制在开曼群岛境内进行的所有“银行业务”。该法案规定,未经适当许可证的情况下从事银行业务或信托业务属于违法行为。此外,《银行与信托公司(许可申请和费用)规定》(以下简称“规定”)是附属规则,还明确了许可证申请的格式以及必须支付的费用。
- 除上述规定外,所有在开曼群岛从事银行业务的银行必须遵守《反洗钱规定》、《刑事所得法》及其附属指导说明的准则。为履行《全球共同申报标准》(CRS)和《美国外国账户税收合规法案》(FATCA)的义务,开曼群岛还通过了相应的立法。
- There is no Central Bank of Cayman Island, but instead, the government of the Cayman Islands established The Cayman Islands Monetary Authority as a statutory body (“the Authority”). The Authority was established to control and oversee the financial services sector, including an island-wide evaluation and monitoring of all banks and trust companies. Additionally, the Authority advises the Government on banking and monetary issues while promoting and upholding monetary stability. Hence for the banking business in the nation, the Cayman Islands Monetary Authority (CIMA) is responsible for the licensing and regulation of financial service providers in the Cayman Islands. CIMA is responsible for both the processing of bank and trust license applications and the continuing supervision of licensees.
- The Banking Supervision Division of CIMA is in charge of ensuring that the grand cayman banking laws and regulations regulating banks in Cayman Islands are followed. Under Cayman Islands legislation, CIMA is given wide authority over the granting and revoking of Cayman Islands banking license, the imposing of restrictions thereto, as well as the management of a licensee’s directors, managers, and officials. Banking operations must adhere to supervision rules published by CIMA. CIMA ensures to grant Cayman Islands banking license and supervises banks also in accordance with the Core Principles for Effective Banking Supervision (the “BCPs“) issued by the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision.
- 根据开曼群岛银行法规定,“除非获得开曼群岛金融管理局(CIMA)颁发的有效牌照,否则任何人不得在岛内或岛外从事银行业务。”
- 其中,“银行业务”一词指的是接受(除了来自银行或信托公司的款项)并持有活期存款、储蓄存款、定期存款或其他类似账户的资金,这些资金可以通过向客户提供贷款或其他方式进行投资,并可通过支票或指令进行偿还。
There are three main categories of licenses provided for banking in the Cayman Islands to conduct banking business in the country. The type of license granted may differ primarily with regard to their permissible activities. The categories of Cayman Islands banking license can be outlined below:
- This category of Cayman Islands banking license is unrestricted and allows the conduct of banking operations within and outside of the Cayman Islands, although it is subject to any restrictions that CIMA may apply. A big multinational bank’s branch or subsidiary is often given a Class A Licence. Class A licensed banks in 开曼群岛 are expected to have a Cayman office open with qualified employees and suffice other requirements as may be specified.
- 在开曼群岛内无限制开展银行业务的A类牌照;
- 在开曼群岛内有限制开展银行业务,并获得提供首席办事处服务给其他五个或更多许可人的许可;
- 在开曼群岛内有限制开展银行业务的A类牌照。
B类银行牌照 – 无限制:
- This category is similar to the unrestricted Category “B” license, provided that it imposes an 需要额外的 restriction that the licensee shall not receive or solicit funds by way of trade or business from persons other than those listed in any undertaking accompanying the application for the Cayman Island banking license.
- 接受来自开曼群岛居民以外的人的存款,除了其他许可人或在开曼群岛不经营业务的免税或普通非居民公司;
- 投资任何对开曼群岛居民构成债权的资产,不包括以下情况的债权:
a. 向在开曼群岛不经营业务的免税或普通非居民公司提供贷款;
b. 向许可人员工提供购买或建造在开曼群岛的自住房屋的抵押贷款;
c. 与其他许可人进行交易;或
d. 购买开曼群岛政府发行的债券或证券;或 - 在未经CIMA书面批准的情况下开展超出B类银行牌照范围的业务。
- 投资任何对开曼群岛居民构成债权的资产,不包括以下情况的债权:
- 接受来自开曼群岛居民以外的人的存款,除了其他许可人或在开曼群岛不经营业务的免税或普通非居民公司;
- 银行法还规定,持有B类银行牌照的公司,如果既不是在开曼群岛以外的国家或地区获得牌照的银行的子公司也不是其分支机构,在不具备CIMA根据其业务性质和规模认为适当的资源(包括人员和设施)以及账簿和记录的情况下,不得在开曼群岛从事业务。
- 对于B类牌照银行,至少有两名具备必要专业知识的人员必须驻扎在开曼群岛,其中一人必须是总经理,另一人是助理总经理。如果持牌人没有自己的办事处和人员在开曼群岛,则许可人还可以在A类银行或信托业务设立其主要办事处,并且授权代理必须在该银行或信托公司工作。
B类银行牌照 – 有限制:
- 这类银行牌照与无限制的B类牌照相似,但额外规定了一个限制,即许可人不得以贸易或商业方式从除了在申请开曼群岛银行牌照时列出的人以外的人那里接收或邀请资金。该许可仅限于许可申请中确定或命名的客户。例如,当许可人是来自开曼群岛以外的知名商业集团,该集团在该地设立银行仅为其他集团成员提供资金管理功能(即无意吸纳第三方存款)。
- 银行监管进一步根据银行的国籍和实际所有权将每个B类和有限制的B类牌照进行了细分。B类和有限制的B类牌照的子类型如下:
- 许可人是来自开曼群岛以外国家或地区的银行分支机构;
- 许可人是来自开曼群岛以外国家或地区的银行子公司;
- 许可人既不是来自开曼群岛以外国家或地区的银行子公司也不是其分支机构。
Who Should Apply for a Cayman Islands Banking License
- Among individuals and entities seeking to obtain a Cayman Islands banking license, there is much to consider along the lines of business goals and requirements for operation. The Cayman Islands offer an attractive offshore banking environment: a robust regulatory system, tax neutrality, and a favorable business climate.
Licensed financial institutions
- The Cayman Islands will also attract banks that seek to expand into the global markets. Category A Banking License offers these banks the privilege of operating within the jurisdiction as well as the rest of the world. It is, therefore, convenient for established banks looking to enhance their global domination.
Offshore banking entities
- Category B Banking License is relevant for offshore market-driven organizations. Through such a license, offshore banking will be developed, however, access will not be granted to local citizens to deposit their funds. Such licenses are fine for businesses whose core target market is always international clients.
Private banking services
- The Restricted Category B Banking License is one such option open for those who are interested in offering private banking services. This license will allow banks to engage in offshore banking while not soliciting funds from the general public-it is very handy for banks that want to target high-net-worth individuals.
New entrants
- Banks, or new entrants into the banking business with large capital and relevant operating experience, may also be licensed. The Cayman Islands require at least five years of senior-level experience among directors, thereby ensuring that applicants have the required skills in running a banking operation.
Investment companies
- Some firms dealing in investment activities look forward to acquiring a banking license to enhance their operations. This is very useful for those firms that want to deliver client deposits or offer any other form of banking services as an extension of their investment packages.
Firms looking for tax benefits
- Without capital gains, income, or corporation taxes, the Cayman Islands will make it an excellent alternative for companies looking to choose a tax-neutral jurisdiction. It is very compatible with clients who would wish to minimize their tax obligation but still maintain a good banking presence.
- 如果您计划在本地进行银行业务并获得A类牌照,可以考虑注册成开曼普通公司或本地注册实体。
- 而如果计划进行分支机构业务,您的现有外国银行实体将需要注册为在开曼设有办事处的外国银行的分支机构。
- 对于不打算作为分支机构运营的公司,可以利用开曼群岛的普通公司或免税公司。使用免税公司申请B类银行牌照的优势包括免税证书(从成立开始有效的开曼政府保证,承许牌照持有人在二十(20)年内无需缴纳税款)。
- 在正式注册开曼实体之前,申请人需要向CIMA提交业务名称,因为提供金融服务的银行名称必须经CIMA批准。名称不能与其他开曼群岛公司或国际银行相似。使用具有欺骗性或暗示与不存在的实体或组织有关联的名称是不被CIMA允许的。
Directors, Shareholders and Officers
- CIMA must approve all the directors and officers of all the authorized or licensed banks of the Island. The Cayman banking law provides that an applicant shall not have less than two (2) directors, and corporate directorship is permitted. CIMA requires that directors of licensed banks have a minimum of five (5) years of relevant experience in a senior position. In addition, directors and officers must meet fitness and propriety criteria which include honesty, integrity and reputation, competence and capability, and financial soundness.
- CIMA对所有董事和高级职员进行适格性评估,以及在任命任何额外的董事或其他高级职员时也有类似的要求(对于开曼群岛分支机构而言,如果有大量的董事和高级职员,CIMA将考虑只对直接参与分支机构运营的人员进行全面的尽职调查)。所有董事和高级职员的任命必须事先提交给CIMA以获得书面批准;但牌照持有人可以请求CIMA豁免此要求。
- Additionally, for a Cayman Islands banking license, a minimum of two shareholders is 来. Corporate shareholders are permitted, and there is no requirement for local shareholders. This flexibility allows for diverse ownership structures while complying with 的 jurisdiction’s regulatory framework.
- 对于新的无限制银行和/或信托牌照,初始实收资本必须至少为CI$400,000(约为US$500,000)或其他货币等值。受限制牌照的最低资本要求为CI$20,000(约为US$25,000)。但是,根据申请业务的性质和范围,CIMA可能要求更高的资本数额。
- 还有适用的最低净值要求,这取决于您计划申请的牌照类型。但如果CIMA认为需要更高的净值来证明申请人具有足够的财务资源,以满足业务的性质和规模以及所承担的风险金额,CIMA可以对此进行调整。
- CIMA还必须确信申请人的所有者具有足够的财务实力来支持申请人,并在此过程中也将评
- 牌照持有人需要满足以下要求之一:
a. 在开曼群岛设有营业场所,并有两名居住在开曼群岛的个人担任其代理人,或者
b. 如果牌照持有人没有自己的本地设有工作人员的办事处,则必须将其注册办事处设在一家A类银行或信托公司,并且授权代理人应该是该银行或信托公司的雇员。
- 特加商务咨询已经协助多个客户获得开曼群岛银行牌照。我们的公司注册和牌照套餐将为您提供如何在开曼群岛设立银行实体并如何获得 开曼群岛银行牌照.
- 在我们正式开始准备您的银行牌照之前,重要的是您从CIMA获得初始许可,并向该国宣示设立银行的意图。特加商务咨询的专家团队将协助您准备获取预许可或许可证,以开始在开曼群岛组织银行的程序。
- 特加商务咨询建议您阅读本指南,以充分了解申请开曼群岛银行牌照时普遍遵循的步骤。
- 根据您计划的业务活动和客户基础的规模,特加商务咨询将就最适合的实体结构形式和牌照类型为您的银行业务提供建议。
- Our team of experts will provide you with the requirements of the 开曼群岛银行牌照 concerning paid-up capital requirements, local economic substance requirements, timelines, and other obligations prior to the start of the engagement.
- 为了在开曼群岛注册一家公司并随后申请银行牌照,您需要有一家注册代理人和注册办事处。因此,特加商务咨询将确保您满足此类要求。
- 特加商务咨询的专业团队预计将在 2 周内完成 在开曼群岛注册公司 。一旦公司成功注册,我们将发送公司文件,包括公司注册证书、备忘录和章程以及其他内部文件。
- 根据 grand cayman banking laws and licensing regulations of the Cayman Islands, the local regulator, CIMA requires you to have economic substance, Tetra Consultants will 协助 you to meet them. Our team will 协助 with the recruitment of local qualified employees.
- 因此,特加商务咨询将为您提供提名董事服务,以满足银行实体的居住董事要求。提名董事将被要求签署提名协议,根据协议,提名董事将仅作为实体的代表,并确保不对您的业务重要决策进行干涉。
- 特加商务咨询的人力资源团队将对候选人进行筛选和初步面试。此后,您可以将最终候选人名单列入候选名单,以确定谁最适合加入团队。一旦候选人被选中,特加商务咨询将根据商定的条款和条件协助准备雇佣合同。
- 我们的团队还将列出一份实体办公室名单并将其发送给您。我们将包括重要的考虑因素,例如月租、位置、大小等,以便您更好地决定哪个最适合您。选择办公室后,特加商务咨询将准备您和房东之间要签署的租赁协议。
- 特加商务咨询的法律团队将准备牌照申请所需的文件。这些文件将包括业务计划、AML/CFT 政策和保险政策,具体取决于当地要求。
- 准备好文件后,特加商务咨询将发送草稿供您审阅。确认后,我们会将它们发送给您进行电子签名并准备牌照申请。
第 4 步:企业银行开户
- Prior to opening a correspondent 开曼群岛 bank account, Tetra Consultants’ banking team will proceed to the standard process of corporate bank account opening for your newly registered entity. This standard bank account will be used to deposit the minimum capital 来 for the license application approval.
- 您可以依靠我们的银行专家,他们与国际和当地知名银行建立了多年的合作关系。我们将为您的实体提供企业银行账户开设的方案建议。我们预计该过程大约需要4周的时间。
- Additionally, a correspondent account at a multinational bank may allow you to hold some cash in US dollars and some in your primary country of operation. This way, you can batch-process transfers and reduce your transfer costs. 特加商务咨询将协助您 协助 you in opening the correspondent 开曼群岛 bank account in order to ensure the smooth operation of the banking business.
第 5 步:提交牌照申请
- 一旦成功遵守并遵守上述要求,特加商务咨询将向开曼群岛金融管理局(CIMA)提交 开曼群岛银行牌照 申请,并附上其他补充文件。
- 如果监管机构需要额外的文件和证据来支持申请过程,特加商务咨询的牌照专家团队将全面回应申请中提出的疑问,并与监管机构进行协商。
- 如果一切顺利,您的实体成功通过上述银行体系和其他内部程序的审核,将会获得开曼群岛银行牌照,该牌照将详细列出您的实体名称下所允许开展的服务类型。

- 公司名称批准证明;
- 对于公司的股东、董事和高级管理人员,需要提供以下文件:
- 身份证明文件,如公证护照复印件、不少于3个月的水电费账单和证明收入来源的文件;
- 两份(2)人物推荐信;
- 银行/信托公司提供的财务参考;
- 警方无犯罪记录证明;
- 两位(2)有效董事的证明;以及
- 至少一位(1)董事的相关银行业经验的证明;
- 银行/信托公司的推荐信;
- 母公司银行监管机构提供的有关申请方的巩固监管和良好运营的书面保证;
- 一份详细的业务计划,其中包括以下内容:
- 公司目标;
- 成立理由;
- 客户基础(包括限制类别“B”牌照的名称);
- 资产结构;
- 管理结构;以及
- 两年的预测;
- 证明存入最低所需资本的证据;
- 不在开曼群岛筹集资金的承诺;
- 主要办公地点、授权代理人、当地审计师的详细信息;
- 财政年度结束日期;
- 公司章程和文章;
- 公司注册证书;以及
- 开业资产负债表。
Comparison of Cayman Islands Banking License with Other Jurisdictions
Criteria | 开曼群岛 | 巴哈马 | British Virgin Islands |
Regulatory Environment | Regulated by CIMA under Banks and Trust Companies Law, strong compliance and political stability. | Central Bank of The Bahamas, faced scrutiny, affecting reputation. | Regulated by the Financial Services Commission, past scrutiny impacts trust. |
Privacy and Confidentiality | Strong privacy protections aligned with international standards. | High privacy and minimal scrutiny attract businesspeople. | Emphasizes privacy, less regulatory oversight. |
Tax Benefits | No capital gains or income tax, highly tax-efficient for international banking. | Similar tax advantages, but less efficient than Cayman Islands. | No capital gains or income tax, competitive but less efficient. |
Reputation and International Standing | Highly regarded financial hub, British Overseas Territory enhances reliability. | Attractive, but less global recognition than Cayman Islands. | Similar reputation, stricter tax implications may deter clients. |
Categories of Banking License | Clear categories: Category A (local and international) and Category B (offshore). | More complex licensing structure. | More complex licensing structure. |
License Obtaining Ease | Efficient process, approximately 4-6 months for approval. | Longer processing time due to intensive checks. | Generally protracted, not as streamlined as Cayman Islands. |
- 持牌银行必须每年由批准的审计师对其账目进行审计,并在许可证持有人财政年度结束后90天内向CIMA提交审核后的账目副本。这些经审计的账目无需公开。
- 持牌银行必须按照CIMA规定的形式提交季度监管报告,提供确保银行遵守银行法并处于健全财务状况的所需信息。
- 当地成立的银行的最低资本充足率为10%。对于受其他司法管辖区巩固监管的子银行,CIMA要求最低比率为12%,对于不受此类监管的银行,最低比率为15%。在另一个司法管辖区受监管的分行没有最低资本充足率要求。
- 通常要求一名董事或高级经理每年与CIMA会面,讨论与持牌人有关的事项。此外,CIMA可能会进行定期的现场检查。
- 不允许发行股票或转让持牌银行的股票。
- 持牌银行必须让CIMA了解持牌人的经营活动或业务发生重大变化。建议在任何实施之前与CIMA讨论重大变化。
- 开曼群岛的休眠账户法要求持牌银行在账户闲置7年后将资金转移到开曼政府。持牌银行必须在每年3月31日之前向财政部和CIMA提交一份报告,并必须提交合规证书,证明其已按照休眠账户要求履行了义务,截止日期为每年12月31日。
- The whole process of obtaining a Cayman Islands banking license is structured in such a way that it may flow well. In the very first place, it takes about 2 周内 to form the company. Then, there is the process of license application, whereby the official authorities will carry out the inspection, and this process requires 4-6 months. Finally, corporate bank account opening usually takes about another 4 周内. The acquisition timeline for the whole process of the Cayman Islands banking license varies between 6-8 months.
- Prior to commencement of engagement, Tetra Consultants will share an overall project timeline detailing company registration timeline, document preparation, and the license application process. This helps ensure everyone is aligned and acutely aware of the project’s timelines and expectations.
- 总参与费取决于我们为您提供的具体服务。我们为您提供多种服务,从协助您完成注册流程到获得银行牌照。将收取的总费用将包括公司注册费、牌照费以及可能产生的任何额外费用。
- 在开始注册过程之前,我们将与您详细讨论总参与费,以便您更好地了解您所支付的费用。特加商务咨询力求在任何参与开始之前对参与费用保持透明。所有这些条款和条件将在我们的预约信中明确说明。
- 特加商务咨询经常为寻求CIMA许可证的金融服务提供商提供帮助,并可以协助准备申请以获得银行牌照,包括安排与CIMA的预会议,并就开曼群岛不同类型的银行牌照进行咨询服务。
- 特加商务咨询将为您提供一套全面的服务,以获得开曼群岛银行牌照,包括开设开曼群岛实体公司、编制详细的业务计划、编制必需的银行章程和招股说明书以及牌照申请、制定回答牌照申请询问的方案,并协助管理和组织所需的实际存在和居民董事。
- 特加商务咨询擅长协助金融服务提供商获得所需离岸金融牌照,为客户提供建议并申请符合业务活动和长期业务目标的相应牌照。
现在联系我们 以了解有关如何申请开曼离岸银行牌照的更多信息。我们的专家团队将在接下来的 24 小时内回复。