Home » Jurisdictions» 加拿大公司注册» 在艾伯塔省注册公司


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    • 在艾伯塔省注册公司的过程涉及各种复杂性,但如果您具备适当的知识和导航系统,那么该过程可能会变得毫无麻烦。通过特加商务咨询的协助,您在整个注册艾伯塔公司过程中可以是流畅且轻松的,通过我们您将能把时间和精力投入到更重要的业务渠道中。 
    • 特加商务咨询技术精湛且合格的员工将在您在艾伯塔省开展业务的整个过程中为您提供无缝体验。我们团队的唯一目标是协助贵司在最短时间内成功设立您的 的业务并全面运作。艾伯塔省拥有丰富的文化和商业,吸引了来自世界各地的大量投资,使艾伯塔省成为对企业家和投资者有吸引力的地方。我们的服务包包括您在艾伯塔省成功开展业务所需的一切: 
      • 艾伯塔省注册公司
      • 本地公司秘书及注册地址
      • 国际或本地企业银行开户
      • 许可证申请(如有需要)
      • 年度会计和税务服务
    register company in ALBERTA



    • 艾伯塔省经济多元化,主要产业有能源、农业、林业、文化等众多产业。多元化使公司能够进入不同的行业和市场,减少对单一行业的依赖。多元化的经济有助于投资者将资金分散到经济体的不同部门,从而吸引投资者和企业家投资和经营业务。 


    • 艾伯塔省有多项激励计划,专为将艾伯塔省视为绿地投资或业务扩张地点的外国投资者而设计和推出。这些计划还包括直接激励措施,例如专门针对广泛行业的外国实体提供的赠款、贷款计划和税收抵免。 


    • 艾伯塔省安全委员会 (ASC) 修订了自我认证投资者招股说明书豁免,以便利投资者和企业家,并为他们扩展业务和投资提供更大的灵活性。该豁免已试行三年,将于 2024 年 3 月 31 日到期。 


    • 艾伯塔省的税额是全国最低的,为企业提供最低的所得税税率。提供资本税、一般销售税和工资税的豁免。营业收入的低税率有助于优化业务。低税收制度有助于企业为其业务筹集更多资金,也有助于为投资者获得更多收入。 


    • 艾伯塔省拥有一批技术精湛且充满活力的年轻人口。这支熟练且充满活力的劳动力队伍为企业提供了受过良好教育和训练的工人。熟练的劳动力帮助企业发展壮大并实现其业务目标和目的。这些熟练的劳动力是企业在该省开展业务的重要资产。


    • 任何外国实体都可以在艾伯塔省开展业务。然而,对于艾伯塔省公司来说,此类公司的注册可以作为省外公司进行。此外,所有希望在艾伯塔省注册公司的外国实体都需要指定一名服务代理人,该代理人必须是艾伯塔省居民。希望在多伦多注册企业的外国企业家和投资者需要在加拿大有一个当地地址,以便在相应地址进行邮件和通讯。 
    • 此外,对于在艾伯塔省经营业务的外国人有许多许可要求和许可证。但是,没有要求本地投资者与外国人一起投资该公司或拥有该公司的股份。注册有多种要求,包括联邦企业号码、省雇主健康税和工人赔偿、省销售税账户以及其他省和市许可证。我们的专家团队在为您的业务提供建议之前了解您的业务需求和要求。我们的目标是满足客户的所有业务要求,通过我们的业务服务让他们满意。 


    • The processing timeline may vary depending on the business structure preferred by the company. Tetra Consultants can assist you in Alberta company registration within 2 周内. After complying with all the necessary legal and administrative requirements. Our team will search for the availability of the preferred company name and prepare all the required necessary documents for the registration of a company in Alberta. 
    • 在您公司注册的整个过程中,特加商务咨询确保您无需前往该州。 
    • 特加商务咨询注册您的公司后,您将收到公司的文件,包括成立证书、备忘录和公司章程以及董事和股东名册。 
    • 在注册公司后 4 周内 开设公司银行账户。根据客户的喜好,可以在本地或国际知名银行开设银行账户。
    • 注册成立并开设银行账户后,您的公司将能够全面运作。该公司在与 特加商务咨询接洽后 6 四周内 即可做好业务准备。 
    • 需要注意的一个重要警告是,公司注册过程的持续时间取决于所在州和您的商业活动。上述时间线是广泛经验的概括时间线。

    Types of companies you can register in Alberta 


    • A sole proprietorship is the least complex business form in Alberta. It is a business owned and managed by one person. It offers full control and minimal regulatory requirements, but its owner assumes unlimited personal liability-meaning personal assets are at risk if the business incurs debts or obligations. 


    • A partnership allows two or more individuals or entities to share ownership and operational responsibilities. In Alberta, partnerships can be structured as general partnerships, in which all partners share liabilities, or limited partnerships, where certain partners have restricted control and liability. This flexibility allows businesses to determine a model suitable to their needs for both operation and finance. 


    • A corporation is a legal entity separate from its shareholders in Alberta, which protects them in terms of limited liability. A corporation may take one of several forms: named corporations which are assigned unique identifiers, numbered corporations assigned government-designated numbers, and professional corporations tailored specifically to licensed professionals like doctors, lawyers, and accountants. 
    • Key requirements of corporations are as follows:
      • A corporation must have a minimum of one director without residency requirements. If the corporation has more than 15 shareholders, it must have at least three directors. 
      • A corporation must have at least one shareholder without residency requirements. 
      • Corporations must maintain a registered office address in Alberta. This address must be accessible to the public during normal business hours and can be a physical location or a designated agent’s address. 
      • There are no minimum capital requirements. 
      • Each corporation must appoint an agent for service who is a resident of Alberta. This agent is responsible for receiving legal documents on behalf of the corporation. 
      • Corporations are required to file annual returns with the 公司注册处。 to maintain their good standing. 
      • Corporations must maintain proper books and records, including minutes of meetings, financial statements, and shareholder registers. 


    • Cooperatives in Alberta are owned and operated by a group of individuals for their mutual benefit. Members have equal voting rights, irrespective of the amount contributed to the cooperatives. Cooperatives operate under the Cooperatives Act, where community-driven goals and collective benefits come first. 
    • Key requirements for Cooperatives are as follows:
      • A cooperative needs to have a minimum of one shareholder without residency requirements. 
      • A cooperative must maintain a registered office address in Alberta. This address must be accessible to the public during normal business hours and cannot be a post office box alone. It must be a physical location. 
      • There are no minimum capital requirements. 
      • Each cooperative must appoint an agent for service who is a resident of Alberta. This agent is responsible for receiving legal documents on behalf of the cooperative. 
      • Cooperatives are required to file annual returns with the Corporate Registry to maintain their status and comply with ongoing reporting obligations.  
      • Cooperatives must maintain proper records, including minutes of meetings, financial statements, and membership registers. 
      • Cooperatives must adopt bylaws that govern their operations and member rights, which should be filed with the Registrar. 

    Not for profit organization 

    • Not-for-profit organizations are created for purposes other than the generation of profits-usually with charitable, educational, or social goals. These organizations may elect charitable status to enjoy tax benefits. In Alberta, their statutory regime is either the Societies Act or the Not-for-Profit Corporations Act, depending on how and why they were formed. 

    Extra provincial corporation 

    • Those that have incorporated elsewhere but want to conduct their operations within the province should be registered as extra-provincial corporations. By registration, they ensure legality and facilitate the companies to conduct businesses within Alberta. 


    • Societies in Alberta are established for social, recreational, or community-oriented purposes. Registered under the Societies Act, they can also apply for charitable status if it meets certain requirements, thus becoming eligible for tax and fundraising advantages. 

    Condominium corporations 

    • Condominium corporations are specifically formed entities with the aim of managing and maintaining condominium properties in Alberta. The 公认会计原则 (GAAP) governs condominium corporations, and as such, establishes the obligations and framework for how they operate, differentiating them from run-of-the-mill business corporations. 




    第 1 步:选择一个唯一的名称

    • 为合并公司选择一个独特的名称。公司名称的保留是通过 艾伯塔省公司注册处完成的。需要提交名称保留请求,在某些情况下,还需要 NUANS 报告以确保相关名称不被其他人使用。 
    • 特加商务咨询将帮助您保存企业名称。除了提供公司秘书服务和本地注册地址外,还将协助提供指定 提名董事服务。我们技术精湛的团队将协助您保留您的企业名称,以便使用首选的企业名称进行企业注册。 

    第 2 步:准备必要的公司文件

    • 准备公司章程,概述公司结构、股份类别和公司的其他重要细节。作为外国人,个人需要遵守非居民公司发起人的特定要求。除此之外,公司还需要准备公司协议和章程,详细说明公司的治理和运营规则。 
    • 特加商务咨询可以帮助您协助公司处理各种合规性和文件。每项特定业务都需要特定的文件要求,这是开展业务所必需的。因此,特加商务咨询可能对你们合并业务有很大帮助。 

    第 3 步:指定注册当地代理

    • 所有希望在艾伯塔省注册公司的外国实体都需要有一名居住在艾伯塔省的服务代理人。代理人可以是位于艾伯塔省的法人实体或任何个人。代理人不必是律师,并且必须有资格代表公司接收信件。 


    • Tetra Consultants will assist in preparing all the necessary documents required for registration with the Alberta Corporate Registry. This includes drafting the Articles of Incorporation (Form 1), Notice of Address (Form 2), and the List of Directors (Form 3). Our consultants will ensure that these forms are submitted to the registry along with the applicable fees, which may vary depending on the nature of the business. Additionally, we will facilitate the submission process, ensuring full compliance with all requirements
    • Our team of experts is dedicated to helping businesses successfully incorporate and become fully operational, making the process seamless for our clients.


    • 企业注册后需获得 加拿大税务局 (CRA)授权的企业号码。此外,企业还需要注册各种税务账户,例如商品和服务税或工资税。税务账户取决于公司的活动和公司的收入。 
    • 特加商务咨询的专业人士和高管可以帮助企业获得 离岸金融牌照。 特加商务咨询将全力协助您的公司申请营业执照。而且。一旦您的公司完成税务登记,特加商务咨询将继续协助您的公司履行其年度会计和税务义务。

    第 6 步:企业银行开户

    • 实体注册完成后,即可办理 企业银行开户。 特加商务咨询将协助整合文件并在您选择的信誉良好的银行开设公司银行账户。
    • 对于艾伯塔省的许多银行来说,人们更喜欢本地银行而不是国际银行,因为它们更容易获得。开设此类公司账户所需的文件包括商业登记证、公司章程、商号注册证和加拿大税务局 (CRA) 注册号。在许多银行开设公司账户可能需要亲自前往以证明身份并参加会议。 
    • 成功开立企业银行账户后,特加商务咨询会将网上银行令牌和访问代码快递到您的首选地址。

    Post-Registration Obligations in Alberta 

    To operate legally and maintain good standing, corporations in Alberta must adhere to several compliance obligations which are as follows: 

    Annual returns 

    • Companies are expected to file annual returns with the Alberta Corporate Registry. For maintaining good standing, it is obligatory for the companies to file within a specified timeframe each year. Failure to do so may incur penalties, even leading to the dissolution of the corporation. 

    Update corporate information 

    • Corporations must notify the Corporate Registry in respect of any change to its constitution or operation:
      • Amendment notices: Inform changes such as addition, deletion, or substitution of directors, registered office address, and share structure. 
      • Change notifications: Include in the registry any significant changes, such as a name change or changes in business activities. 

    Financial management and reporting 

    • Corporations must maintain robust financial management practices, including:
      • Accounting Records: Keeping accurate financial records and preparing financial statements in accordance with applicable standards. 

    Compliance with employment standards 

    • For businesses employing workers, compliance with Alberta’s Employment Standards Code is mandatory. Some additional requirements include regulations about wages, hours of work, overtime pay, and various rights of employees. Employers must also register with the Workers’ Compensation Board (WCB) within 15 days of hiring their first employee to secure workers’ compensation insurance. 

    Agent for service 

    • An agent for service must be appointed by every corporation that is residing within Alberta. This agent receives legal documents on behalf of the corporation. 

    Insurance requirements 

    • The nature of the business determines the need for specific types of insurance cover for a corporation, such as general liability insurance, property insurance, or professional liability insurance to mitigate potential risks. 

    Compliance with health and safety codes 

    • Corporations should observe the occupational health and safety regulations as set forth under Alberta’s legislation to keep their workplace safe for the employees. 

    Membership meetings and record keeping 

    • Corporations also need to hold a yearly shareholder meeting and keep detailed minutes of such meetings. Cooperatives also needed to have detailed bylaws to govern internal governance and member meetings. 

    Licensing and permits 

    • Corporations must also establish that all necessary business licenses and permits are obtained, maintained, and renewed according to local municipality or industry-specific requirements. 


    Appointing director

    • 要在艾伯塔省注册企业,不需要当地常驻董事。 


    • 指定代理人必须是艾伯塔省的个人居民,并具有在艾伯塔省境内提供服务的邮寄地址。
    • 在艾伯塔省注册公司没有最低资本要求。
    • 至少一名董事可以是个人或公司,且不必是加拿大居民。
    • 至少一名股东也可以是外国人,没有最高限额。


    • 对于在艾伯塔省注册业务的私营公司,如果您正在考虑如何在艾伯塔省注册公司,则需要满足最低要求。 
    • 私人公司可以有一名或多名股东。
    • 股东可以是个人或其他公司。
    • 艾伯塔省对股东没有居住要求。
    • If the investment comes from a designated Canadian venture capital fund, a minimum investment of CA$200,000 is required.
    • 至少一名董事必须年满 18 岁且不限国籍。 



    • 公司章程正本
    • 地址的法律文件
    • 提及初始董事姓名和地址的文件
    • 服务通知的文件
    • 拟议名称的 NUANS 报告副本
    • 身份证明的文件
    • 有关在艾伯塔省注册公司相关费用的详细信息。 


    • 合并您的企业时,会计和税务考虑是重要因素。通过将您的会计和税务义务外包给特加商务咨询,您可以放心,您处于最佳位置。我们的团队将确保您公司的财务报表、公司纳税申报表和审计及时完成,而无需您出差。
    • 此外,特加商务咨询将这些服务外包将使您能够减少与此类服务相关的管理费用。我们的团队还将确保在截止日期内及时遵守所有报告和备案。在开始与 特加商务咨询团队合作之前,我们的会计团队还会向您通报所有规定的截止日期和期望的最新情况。此后,我们将提前准备所有必要的文件,以确保在规定的期限内完成。但请注意,列出的要求是艾伯塔省要求的通用形式。 


    • 艾伯塔省的公司通常需要按照 公认会计原则 (GAAP)编制财务报表。在艾伯塔省,《公寓财产法》第 30(3) 条要求每个公司准备财务报表,并将这些文件与年度预算一起分发给公司的每个所有者。 
    • 一般来说,所有企业都需要在每年 5 月 1 日之前提交财务报表。文件披露必须在财政年度结束后 90 天内披露。不遵守这些要求可能会导致 艾伯塔省证券委员会的处罚和执法行动。

    商品及服务税 (GST)

    • Businesses incorporated in Alberta are required to pay GST on products and services except for some exempted goods and services. Businesses that have an aggregate of CA$30,000 in revenue received from operating in Alberta with worldwide revenue are required to get registered for GST. GST must be charged on all taxable sales and GST can be claimed once registered. 
    • 商品及服务税申报表的提交日期取决于企业的年度应税收入,可以是年度、季度或每月。


    • 艾伯塔省的企业必须在纳税年度结束后的六个月内向 加拿大税务局 加 和艾伯塔省税务和收入管理局 提交公司纳税申报表。全球业务收入按照艾伯塔省企业的联邦和省企业税率征收,具体如下: 
    • Income of a Canadian Controlled Private Corporation (CCPC) below CA$500,000 – 11.00%.
    • CCPC 的收入高于小型企业限额 – 23.00%。
    • 非 CCPC 的收入 – 23.00%。
    • 投资收益 – 46.67%。
    • Taxes owed are due for three months after the year-end. However, if the total tax payable exceeds CA$3,000 must be paid on prior-year installment payments which can be paid monthly or quarterly. 

    Business Licensing and Permits in Alberta 

    To register company in Alberta, it is important to note that licensing and permit requirements depend on the business type and its location. As follows, there is an overview of primary considerations for acquiring business licenses and permits in the province: 


    • Most businesses operating within municipal boundaries have to obtain a business license. These are commercial enterprises, home-based businesses, and contractors. In most cases, local municipalities issue licenses; such licenses expire after an annual period as set by the issuing authority. 

    Municipal licenses 

    • Each municipality in Alberta has its own business license bylaw, so it is necessary to contact the local authority of the location where a business will be operating to determine specific requirements. Depending on municipal bylaws, businesses might also require zoning permits that ensure compliance with land-use regulations to ensure that properties are used appropriately. 

    Industry-specific license 

    • Other industries like food service, health care, and construction demand licensed or certified permits. Such includes health permits, food handling certificates, or building permits. Businesses operating in regulated professions like law or engineering may have the relevant authorities that standardize their operations. 

    Development permits 

    • A business needs a development permit even to get the business license. This ensures that it meets the local zoning laws regarding residential areas and home occupations. 

    Comparison of Alberta’s Business Environment with Other Provinces 

    Corporate tax rate 

    • Alberta has the lowest provincial corporate tax rate in Canada at 8%, combined with the federal rate of 15%, making it equal 23%. The small business is also relieved to have its income reduced to 11% if the income is below CA$500,000. Other provinces have higher general corporate tax rates, including the 11.5% and 11.8% of Ontario and Quebec, respectively. 


    • Alberta is unique in that it does not impose any type of provincial sales tax (PST). As a result, the general cost of goods and services to a business and a consumer is minimized. All other provinces-implement PST or Harmonized sales tax (HST) specifically British Columbia and Ontario-inpatriate PST or HST, thereby adding to the tax. 

    Business climate 

    • Competitive business environment and focus on areas like energy, agriculture, technology, and innovation. At the same time, Alberta boasts Canada’s highest rate of self-employment. Provinces Ontario and British Columbia tend to have a more diversified economy in general but also increased costs of operations and regulation challenges. 

    Regulatory framework 

    • Alberta has relaxed the rules on the incorporation of business by removing the director’s residency requirements, which is attractive to foreign investors. Most provinces, however, retain more rigid director residency requirements, thereby complicating incorporation for non-residents. 

    Support programs 

    • The Alberta government provides a range of grants and funding opportunities for startups and small businesses, with particular emphasis on technology-based enterprises. That being said, the other provinces do provide support programs. However, Alberta’s offerings are specifically geared to encourage new entrepreneurial endeavors. 

    Cost of living and business operations 

    • Commercial property taxes are relatively low in Alberta, with cities such as Calgary at 0.65%, as opposed to Toronto, at 1.0%, and Vancouver, at 0.95%. The lower tax levels reduce operational costs for businesses. Instead, other provinces have high levels of property taxation, which can skyrocket expenses. 

    Market access 

    • Alberta’s geographical location and solid transportation infrastructure give the business easy access to major markets in Canada and the United States. Other provinces do as well, but Alberta’s infrastructure is more easily advantageous for the exporting of energy. 

    Workforce quality 

    • With leading educational institutions and a highly skilled workforce, it supports the diversified industries’ needs. Of course, provinces like Ontario have vast talent pools. However, one of their adverse living costs keeps impacting the retention and affordability of workforces. 

    Economic growth prospects 

    • Alberta continues to look promising in its long-term economic growth, driven by diversification and advances in productivity in the key sectors. Provinces such as Ontario are continuing to grow more steadily, while their economy remains relatively exposed to declining periods because of the overreliance on manufacturing industries.

    Timeline and cost to setup company in Alberta 

    • The timeframe to register company in Alberta would take around 2 周内 for company registration and up to 4 周内 for corporate bank account opening. With Tetra Consultants, the total cost involved in the engagement shall be clearly communicated at the outset, supplemented with a detailed breakdown of fees for each service. Among these fees are the government registration fees, name approval fees, registry agent fees, annual return filing fees, and many more. At Tetra Consultants, we are keen on full transparency, so you will know exactly what to expect in terms of expenses involved with the registration process. 


    • 作为最具吸引力的设立商业企业和投资地点之一,艾伯塔省对企业家和投资者来说具有优势。凭借这些优势,您一定会发现艾伯塔省是最适合开展业务的地方。 
    • 此后,如果您需要进一步的帮助,特加商务咨询的全球专家团队将与您密切合作,以满足您的特定业务需求。


    • 艾伯塔省政治氛围稳定,使其成为对投资者和企业家最具吸引力的市场。艾伯塔省拥有年轻、受过良好教育且多元化的劳动力队伍支持的创业精神。这种精神是由国家政治影响力所创造的工作环境和氛围所创造的,使在该省创办和经营公司变得更容易。 
    • 该省经济多元化,工业蓬勃发展,为企业和投资者提供大量进入各个业务领域的机会。 


    • 对于了解这些法规的个人来说,遵守艾伯塔省的法律法规是非常容易和简单的。 特加商务咨询可以帮助您的企业遵守艾伯塔省的所有法律规则和法律,以便成功经营企业。 
    • 在艾伯塔省经营的企业必须遵守各种规则和法规,这些规则和法规可能会根据企业的性质和结构而变化。企业需要各种可以轻松获得的许可证和执照。 
    • 因此,企业可以利用法律方面的优势,在艾伯塔省成立一家成功的企业。 


    • 艾伯塔省经济蓬勃发展,拥有多种行业和多样化的市场。关键部门包括能源、清洁技术、农业、技术、金融服务、航空和旅游业,这些部门对经济做出了很大的贡献。这种多元化使企业能够为不同的行业和市场做出贡献,减少对单一行业的依赖。 
    • 艾伯塔省人口不断增长,为企业的发展和扩张提供了庞大的客户群。这有助于企业吸引大量收入并留住技术工人。此外,发达的基础设施和惠商的坚实政策为企业留住经济、促进创业创新提供了额外支持。 
    • With a GDP of CA$339.3 billion in 2022 and a high per capita income country makes Alberta a feasible country for investors and entrepreneurs to establish their businesses in Alberta. 


    • 艾伯塔省人具有创业精神,这种精神得到了年轻、技术精湛、工作积极性高的人才队伍的支持。这使得该省社会强大且不依赖。 
    • 就社会而言,艾伯塔省是一个多元化的州,这使其社会和文化实力雄厚。由于人口年轻且不断增长,艾伯塔省的社会因素是安全可靠的。由于多元化的市场和不断增长的人口,企业可以在这里找到充足的机会,这使得企业可以轻松地在艾伯塔省设立企业。  
    • 2022 年 GDP 达 3,393 亿加元,加上人均收入较高的国家,艾伯塔省成为投资者和企业家在艾伯塔省开展业务的可行国家。 


    • 随着该省初创企业和投资数量的不断增加,科技行业日益强大。越来越多的初创公司拥有各种技术进步,可以帮助市场上的其他企业利用该技术。  
    • 通过开发和改变技术,艾伯塔省拥有强大的熟练且受过教育的劳动力基础,可以操作这些先进技术。随着初创企业的增加和技术的进步,艾伯塔省成功吸引了许多企业和投资者,为企业家和投资者创造了创造更多收入的绝佳机会。 


    • 对于希望投资环保举措的企业家和投资者来说,艾伯塔省可能是他们的绝佳选择,因为它致力于减少排放并促进可持续的商业实践。这种对环境保护的承诺有助于艾伯塔省成为寻求投资可持续项目的企业和投资者的青睐和首选之地。 
    • 此外,艾伯塔省蓬勃发展的工业也致力于清洁能源和清洁技术的生产,以创造我们星球更美好的未来。该省一直积极参与此类活动,使艾伯塔省可持续且不依赖,从而吸引企业家和投资者。 
    • 此外,该省一直在努力减少碳足迹,以使该省以清洁能源为燃料。 


    • 特加商务咨询为您提供一站式解决方案,您可以在艾伯塔省无缝注册您的公司。我们的服务包将使您能够在艾伯塔省注册您的公司,其中包括各种辅助服务,例如公司银行账户、提供名义董事服务以及更多辅助服务。 特加商务咨询旨在通过为客户提供无忧且无缝的服务交易,为客户提供最好的服务。 

    现在联系我们 了解更多有关在艾伯塔省注册公司的流程,我们的团队将在接下来的 24 小时内回复。


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