7 Steps for Malta Offshore Company Formation: A Detailed Guide
September 23, 2022
by Tetra Consultants
Located at the intersection between Europe, Africa and the Middle East, Malta is situated on one of the world’s best shipping routes. Apart from that, Malta has numerous benefits such as its taxation system and double taxation treaties. Hence, it is ideal setting up a company in malta. In this...
4 Top Business Ideas to Consider Before You Start a Company in Malta
September 7, 2022
by Tetra Consultants
A Malta offshore company has become the choice of many foreign investors as the jurisdiction is considered to be a highly attractive jurisdiction for the right reasons. The Maltese Islands are located between the crossroads Europe and North Africa, facilitating many trade and commerce activities throughout the year. Despite its...
8 Benefits of Setting up a Business in Malta
March 1, 2022
by Tetra Consultants
Malta has one of the most advantageous business legislation and taxation in Europe. Apart from that, it has a low effective corporate tax. Hence, the benefits of setting up a business in Malta enable Malta to remain attractive to foreign investors to start a business. In this article, our team...
Quick Checklist Before You Open a Company in Malta
February 5, 2022
by Tetra Consultants
Choosing to open offshore company in Malta has become the popular choice of many foreign investors. The jurisdiction is considered to be highly attractive given that the Maltese Islands are located between the crossroads Europe and North Africa, facilitating many trade and commerce activities throughout the year. Although the country...